Bhanumandala madhye tishtati iti
Located in the middle of the Bhanumandalam. The science of mantra prescribes to meditate on this place during dusk and dawn
Ya eshontaraaditye hiranmayah purusho drushyata
You can see the Paramatma who is like Hiranmaya in the middle of Aditya mandala
You should worship the Divine Mother, who is the middle of Bhanumandala, with a bow and arrow in her hands.
The Bhanumandalam is a composite of moon and Fire. Hence it is the form of Parabrahma. Bhanumandalamu means Anaahata mandalam.
Naabhi sthamani pooraakhyaam hrudayam chaabjamanaahatam
Manipura Chakra in the navel. Anahatapadma in the heart.
Purusha sooktam -
Padmakosha prateekaashagm hrydayam chaa pyathomukham
There is a lotus below the neck and above the navel. It is about 12 inches and facing downwards
Atho nishtyaa vitasyaante naabhyaa mupari tishtati
jwaalamaalaakulam bhaati vishvasya yatanam mahat
santatgm shilaabhi stu lamba tyaakosha sannibham
sasyaante sushiragm sookshmam tasmin sarvam pratishtitam
tasya madhye mahaa nagni rvishvaarchi rvishvatomukhah
so grabhu gvibhajam tishta nnahaara majarah kavih
tirya goordhwa madhasshyee rashmayastasya santataa
There is a delicate lotus at the apex of the heart, which radiates like a flame, supporting the heart and supporting many nerves. Everything is established into it. In the midst of it was a great fire god whose flames spread everywhere. That is Jatharaagni.
Santaapayati swamdeha maapadatalamastakah
tasmya madhye vahni shikhaa aniyordhwaa vyavasthitah
The Jatharaagni (digestive fire) divides the food and sends it to all parts of the body. The yogis meditate Divine Mother in this place.
neelatoyada madhyasthaa dvidyullekheva bhaswaraa
neevaara shookavattanvee peetaa bhaswattyanoopama
Inside the Jatharaagni, there is a small flame of the size of a grain and rising up. It shines like lightning in the middle of a blue cloud. The grain is as small as a paddy grain and has a greenish tinge
tasya sshikhaayaa madhye paramaatmaa vyavasthitah
sabrahma sashiva ssaharischendrah so ksharahparamaswaraat
In the midst of that fire lies the Paramatman. He is Brahma, he is Shiva, he is Vishnu, he is Indra. Indestructible. Self-luminous. Bhanumandalam means Anaahata. That is the place of heart. There lies the Divine Mother. Hence she is called Bhanumandala madhyastha.
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