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Benefits of Lalitha sahasranama

Reading Lalithaa sahasranama will fulfill all the wishes. No matter how difficult it is, how complex the problem is, how deep a doubt is, Lalitha sahasranama will have an answer to it. Such is the greatness of this stotra

Yatraapi bhogo na cha tatra mokshah yatraapi moksho na cha tatra bhogah |
Sri sundaree sevana tatparaanaam bhogascha mokshascha karastha eva ||

Generally those who are in the path of liberation cannot enjoy material comforts. Those who enjoy material comforts cannot progress in the path of liberation. But those who worship mother Lalitha get the best of both the worlds.

Sage Shankara said like this in the 1st shloka of Soundarya Lahari

Pranantum Stotumva kathamakruta punyah prabhavati

Unless one has a great heap of virtues accrued from all the past births, one would not even get eligibility to learn and worship you O Mother!

You may wonder how can a stotra of 1000 sanskrit names answer questions of about anything on this earth? Like can it answer the problems of kinematics or nuclear physics? If I am struggling to convince my superiors at work, can it help? Or I just want more money to live happily. Can it give? 

The answer is 'Yes'. It can answer all these questions. There is a secret behind this. Let us first understand what all would it take to overcome a typical problem.

Idea: An idea is a key to any solution. Once you get the idea, you can easily frame the solution that can address the problem at hand. When we are struggling to find a solution, it is because we lack the right ideas. This the core of the struggle behind solving problems.

Approach: Sometimes you have the idea and know the solution but have no clue of how to implement it. In those circumstances, you need guidance from friends or elders who had already been through it and can give you tips or share some tricks.

Strength: Sometimes having an idea or knowing the approach is just not sufficient to face a challenge. It might require lot of courage, strength and a steadfast mind. 

Luck: Sometimes even having all the above is not sufficient. You need some luck in order to succeed. 

Let's now see how Lalitha sahasranama can help in these aspects.

Humans store knowledge in the form of a graph. These graphs contain nodes and edges that connect these nodes. The nodes represent various entities and the edges capture the relation between the nodes. Below is figure an example of a knowledge graph. After storing the information in this kind of a graph, the buddhi(intellect) in the brain folds each graph into a logical pattern and stores it for future use. The logical pattern thus formed by a folding operation is the seed for future ideas. The kind of pattern formed is dependent on the structure of the knowledge graph. 

Let us recap - The information you receive now is stored as graph with a specific structure. This graph is folded into a logical pattern. This pattern is used for generating ideas in future. 

So that means, if you now learn about things that lead to formation of useful logical patterns in buddhi, then you are assured to get correct ideas while solving problems in future. Viola! that is the secret. Each name in Lalitha Sahasranama is carefully placed in such a way that if you learn it thoroughly, you will form logical patterns that will generate required ideas that help in solving problems in future. For eg: read the nama Vyomakeshi. You will understand how learning about Lord Vyomakesha will lead to easily solving problems in Kinematics. Read the nama Maha lavanya shevadhi. You will appreciate how learning about Mother's gracious gait leads to explanation of entropy. Isn't this wonderful! You don't know anything about the challenges you are going to face in future. But that need not stop you from preparing for them. By learning Lalitha Sahasranama, you will plant seeds in your brain(logical patterns in the intellect) that will give you the right ideas when you face the challenge. You will equip yourself with a bounty of logical patterns that will help you solving problems in any aspect of life.

You will learn about various stories while reading and discussing Lalitha Sahasranama with others, these stories give clues about various approaches practiced by other in various occasions. Moreover, if you are discussing about Lalitha Sahasranama with someone quite elder to you, you will benefit from all their wisdom and emotional quotient.

Ego is not good for progress. It causes fear of failure. It also pushes you away from taking calculated risks. Under it's influence, you will find it hard to accept that try and fail is a natural way of learning things. By learning about Divine Mother, the sri chakra, the creation etc, you will tame your ego. Make a note that generally people are controlled by their ego. But those who can control their ego take destiny in their hands. That's what you become by learning Lalitha sahasranama.

Virtue leads to luck. You accrue a lot of virtue by learning and discussing Lalitha sahasranama. So you naturally overcome mis-fortune. Moreover, you become close to the omni-potent Divine mother and will enjoy her grace showering on you. So your life will be filled with all and only auspicious things.
Recommended reading - Secret to success

1 comment:

  1. That's a great explanation.. Congratulations on completing lalita sahara namam explanation.By the blessings of lalitamma may u complete many more like this in future.

