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Benefits of Lalitha Sahasranama

Lalitha Sahasranama is an escape to paradise.
Irrespective of who or what you are, where and how  you live!!!

As you learn the meaning of each of these names and assimilate them, you will discover a new world around you, start to wonder, feel blessed and get immersed in divine mother's blissful love. It will shatter all the ignorance and makes you aware of the original, scientific and ancient knowledge with which you can master your own destiny.

In fact, it is not possible to list out all the benefits for learning and chanting Lalitha Sahasranama. The secrets of kundalini yoga, ashtanga yoga, principles of creation, sustenance and destruction of the universe, many scientific concepts and many more prized possessions are embedded in these namas.

Above all of them, if there ever is one sure shot path to liberation, then it is Lalitha Sahasranama.
