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792. Satyagnanaanandaopa


Kapardinee vidya is explained from the names 791 to 813.

Satyam gnaanam aanandascha roopam yasya saah

She who has truth, consciousness and bliss as her form. Vedas said satyam gnanam anantam brahma. Brahma is truth. It is omni present. It is the purest form of consciousness. Vignaanam aanandam brahma. Brahma is knowledge. It is the consciousness and bliss.

It is said like this in Maandukopanishath:

Trikaalaateetam tadasyam kaarameva
Divine mother is beyond past, present and future. Hence she does not change with passage of time. There is no growth or decay. She does not differentiate between any two. All are same for her. She is the self luminous brilliance. She is the energy behind the light emitted by sun and moon. She is the power of stimulus among all beings. She does not have sankalpa or vikalpa. She is the witness to all. She is the embodiment of love.

Priyamu - Feeling when you are with your children.
Modamu - Feeling when your wants are fulfilled.
Pramodamu - Modamu in abundance.

The bliss of Atma is way beyond these. It cannot be explained. One has to experience it. Divine mother is always in that state.

It is said like this in Eesavasyopanishath:

Andham tamah pravishanti ye vidyaamupaasate
tato bhooya iva te tamoyata vidyaayaagam rataah

You have to shun attachment to physical bonds and material possessions and strive for Liberation. Because happiness derived from material comforts is momentary. It fades away very fast. Where as the bliss of Atma is everlasting. So you should try for it. You should pursue the real and everlasting happiness

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