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784. Praanadaa

The one who gives Praanaa(life).

We learnt in the name Panchakoshandharasthita about pranamaya kosha and its importance in life. Divine mother is the giver of that Praanaa.

A story from Chandogya upanishath:

Once upon a time, all the senses, mind, prana gathered in a place to discuss and conclude who is the greatest of all of them. They could not conclude even after prolonged debates. They approached prajapathi Brahma (who created all of them) for advise. Brahma said, "There is an idea. Each of you leave the body in turns and observe who the body performs without you". That which effects the body most is the greatest of all of you". They all went back and started implementing that idea.

First, faculty of speech left the body. It said, "I will return after 1 year. Tell me how the body fares without me." After it returned, everyone said, there is some discomfort because there is no speech. But rest all of us were able to do our duties happily. The body is absolutely fine without you. Faculty of speech came back into the body after listening this.

Similarly for faculties of sight, smell, listening etc. After that, the mind left the body and returned after one year. Still the body did not collapse. Finally, prana started leaving the body. Then others also felt as if their energy is being snatched away. They felt as if they are going to become inactive even though they are inside the body. They all understood that prana is the force behind all of them. Without it, nothing can perform their function. Then they all unanimously agreed that prana is the greatest faculty amongst them.
