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 Divine mother likes Samayachara

What is Samayachara:

1. A mantranushtana where Lord Kameswara and Kameswari and Adhidevatas and Dakshinamurti is Rushi. Samayachara proclaims that Siva and Shakti have panchasamya.

2. The process of awakening the Kundalini at Muladhara chakra and taking it to the sahasrara and bringing it back to Muladhara is Samayachara.

3. Smrutis written by saints like Vyasa, Panini, Surya, Pingala, Yaska, Manu, Yagnavalka, Apastambha and Gautama teach Samayachara to all of us.

4. Bhavanaopanishat described a process of performing Archana to Divine Mother by visualizing here near the heart chakra. This is Samayachara,

5. Achieving Shatchakrabhedana and Chaturvidhaikya sandhana after learning Mahavedha from a Guru is Samayachara.


Madhyam mamsam tadhaa matsyam mudraa maidhuna meva cha
shakti puja vidhanaadyaih panchatatvah prakirtitah

Devotees perform oblations to Devi with Makarapanchaka. But many people make a mistake by taking the literal meaning of Makarapanchaka. Shakti Sangama tantra has the real explanation of Makarapanchaka. It goes as follows:

  1. Madhyam - Syrup made with jaggery (Not liquor)
  2. Mamsam - Telaga pindi (residue after extracting oil from sesame seeds), Vada made of black gram. (Not meat)
  3. Matsyam - Garlic (not fish)
  4. Mudra     - Delicacies made of wheat and blackgram.
  5. Maidhunam - Combination of various types of foods like bhakshya and bhojya. (Not physical intimacy)

The above explanation of Makara panchaka is for followers of Koulachara.

The real meaning of Makara panchaka for those who follow Samayachara is explained in Mahanirvana tantram.

Na madhyam madhavi madhyam, 
Madhyam sasikirana rasodbhavam
karmaakarma pashun hatva jnanakhadgena cheshwari
Manomeenam trutiye cha hatyasankalpa vasanah
bhakshyabhojyannam bhakshya mindriyanigrahah
taam chaturtham vijaneeyaat
hamsahsoham shivah shaktischaiva anandanirmalah panchamintam vijaniyat

  1. Madhyam - The amruta dripping from Chandra bimba.
  2. Mamsa - To kill the beasts called karma and akarma with a sword called jnyana.
  3. Matsya - To remove all sankalpa and vikalpa from the mind. The mind is the Matsya.
  4. Mudra - Indriya nigraham
  5. Maidhunam - Shiva shakti sangamam


Ahimsa prathamam pushpam pushpa mindriyanigrahah
dayakshmaajnanapushpam panchapushpam tatah param

1. Ahimsa, 2. Indriya nigraha (self control), 3. Daya, 4.Kshama, and 5. Jnyana are the 5 flowers to be offered to Divine Mother.

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