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927-928 - Stotrapriya Stutimati

The Lalitha Sahasranama Sthothra takes us closer to Divine mother. Hence, she is called Stotra Priya. It should not be interpreted as Mother likes few things and dislikes others. She is beyond like and dislike. This nama is very significant to all those who chant Lalitha Sahasranama. Let us understand the science behind chanting and how it benefits us. 

God gave extra ordinary intelligence to humans. With this they analyze situations and take decisions. This analytical process goes like this. Human brain first creates entities in the grey matter. These entities represent stuff that was perceived through senses. Stuff like the objects seen, statements heard etc. These entities are stored as chains connected to each other with links based on similarity/relevance. This can be imagined as various nodes (carrying information) being connected to each other with links (implying similarity). When there is a question, the mind searches through these connected chains for similarity. When similarity is found, it will create a link between the question node and the answer node and creates a ring. That's a pattern. Nodes connect to each other forming patterns and a bunch of similar patterns fold into a node. Let us try to understand this with an example!

Say a person wore new clothes on a day. His friend complimented him like, "You are looking like Chiranjeevi in these new clothes". Now the question is, "Do I look good in my new clothes?" If he is a Telugu speaking person and had watched movies before, he will have lot information in his memory about Mr. Chiranjeevi. Like how Mr. Chiranjeevi looks, what is his style, how is his dance, etc. All this information is organized into a chain of nodes inter-connected based on similarity. His mind will first create a node with the question in it. This question node will have images of the person in the new clothes. Then it will search through the various nodes with relevant information. It will locate the node that has images of Mr. Chiranjeevi in similar attire. Based on the compliment given, it will create a link between the question node and this final node. That completes the analysis. A pattern is formed. The answer is found. He feels very happy. If a thousand people say this, there are thousand patterns of the same type. Then his mind folds all these patterns into a new node that says, "I look same as Mr. Chiranjeevi". But if he is a Bengali or a Korean, his mind probably would not have any information about Mr. Chiranjeevi. In that case, he will ask several questions like, "Who is Mr. Chiranjeevi?", "How does he look like? Do you have his photo? etc. With these questions, he will first form chains of information in his grey matter and then searches through it to find an answer.

By repeating names of Lalitha Sahasranama, you will create nodes in your memory. But these nodes lie disconnected and are not much useful all alone. You need supplement them with information of detailed descriptions. Then long chains of logical patterns are be formed. Such patterns help you in all your endeavors. When you read a name, you should ask what it is? What does it represent? Why should it be like that? Do we have such examples? etc Then you will acquire abundant wealth of knowledge that is logically connected and readily available for you to take critical decisions. Stuti means chanting. Stotram is one that give benefits with chanting. 
