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871. Bahirmukha sudurlabha


Those who are still attached to material possessions cannot attain moksha( liberation) or self-realization. They have to first do self learning and practice detachment  in order to be capable of doing antah puja. The wisdom acquired through learning of puranas and other scared books and continuous practice of detachment elevates your consciousness and will open the doors for antah puja described in previous name.

Once Indra thought of acquiring knowledge of Brahma. He approached sage DaDhya who is yogi to acquire that knowledge. Indra took asked DaDhya to promise that he would help him (whatever may be the request). After DaDhya promised, he expressed his intention of learning Brahma vidhya. After listening Indra's request, DaDhya kept silent for sometime. Sensing trouble Indra asked, "Sage DaDhya, what is the issue". DaDhya did not tell anything. Indra asked, "Are you going to teach me Brahma vidhya or not". DaDhya realized that he is stuck. As there is no other option but to teach Indra about Brahma, DaDhya asked him to come to the class next morning along with all other disciples. Indra came to the class next morning.

DaDhya said, "All that you see with this eyes is not real. This wealth, this power, your beautiful angels, your kingdom all this is a mere illusion". Indra stood up and retorted, "If you don't want to teach me, then you should tell that upfront. You think I am a fool? You can't insult me like this. Next time if you preach such things in my kingdom, I will behead you". Then he left that place and returned to his palace. Such will be the situation for those who practice seek Atma without practicing detachment. Saint Sankara said like this in the 95th Shloka of Soundarya lahari.

Puraarateranthah puramasi thaatha sthwaccharanayo
Ssaparyaamaryaadaa taralakaranaanaa masulabhaa
tathaa hyethe neethaasshatha mukhamukhaassiddhi matulaam
thava dwaaropaantasthithibhi ranimaadhyaabhiramaraah

O Mother! Those who are attached to material world will not get the opportunity to service our feet. Be it Indra or any other great emperor or a demi god. 
