Annam janebhyo dadaati.
She is the one who gives food to all living creatures. Anna means food. As per vedas, earth is the last one to be created among the five elements. Then Divine Mother added fertility to it. Then plants grew from it. This way all the beings got their food. Hence she is called 'Annadha'.
While performing a yagna, 'Aahutis' are offered to sun god. These Aahutis promote cloud formation and cause rain. This gives enough water for cultivation. That gives food to all of us. This power of sun god is called 'Savitri'. She is a form of Divine Mother
We get eligibility to eat a type of food based on our past karma. We eat only those foods that we are eligible of.
We discussed previously that there are many species of living creatures. Three qualities are common to all of them. They are: 1. Eating, 2. Sleeping, 3. Reproduction. Humans have an additional quality. That is the power of discretion. Other creatures don't have it. This paves the way for the ability of humans to attain moksha. Hence it is said that a human life is the most precious of all others. Of those humans, being born as a Brahmin is even more precious. Brahmins are those who learn, think and meditate over para-brahma. Their children naturally acquire some part of their knowledge. Hence they possess greater knowledge about para-brahma than others. Such life is useful to all other creatures. Hence it is said that being born as a brahmin is a lucky chance.
Humans are those creatures who have the below characteristics:
- Jaati dosham - Impurity by nature. Like onion, garlic etc. They are tamasic
- Aasraya dosham - Impurity cause due to improper storage. Eg: Milk is sattvic, but when stored in a copper container is becomes tamasic
- Nimitta dosham - Impurity that comes from the surroundings. Eg: Food cultivated near a gutter or a graveyard etc.