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Sanskrit palindrome

The beauty of Samskrutam 👇👇👇👇


à°¤ం à°­ూà°¸ుà°¤ాà°®ుà°•్à°¤ిà°®ుà°¦ాà°°à°¹ాà°¸ం

à°µంà°¦ే యతో à°­à°µ్యభవం దయాà°¶్à°°ీః||೧||


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The above 1st shloka is Sri Rama stuti and 2 nd shloka is Sri Krishna stuti, but the wonderful thing is  if you reverse the 1 St shloka, it becomes the 2 nd shloka.

And 2nd sloka if you reverse it will become 1st

This is amazing 👌👌
